Trade in a Gas Guzzler | Parma Car Care Fleets Specialists

Trade in a Gas Guzzler

Use this calculator to see if it’s time to trade in a gas guzzler for a more fuel-efficient vehicle.
In Business Since 1989

Should you trade in a gas guzzler?

Don’t trade in a guzzler right away! Often, it’s more cost-efficient to keep an old car with lower MPG than buy a new one.

Parma Car Care Fleet Specialists understands that we’re facing difficult times right now. Our team would like to help our valued clients make informed decisions by calculating the gas cost for their current vehicles so that they can see if keeping it vs. the total cost of a used or new car payment is a viable option.

Answer these simple questions below, and you’ll quickly see if trading in your vehicle is a wise decision to make. You can also use this calculator to estimate the cost if gas prices increase.  

A car key, money, and a man holding a calculator.

Gas Price Calculator

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Yearly Breakdown

Miles Per Year: 0
Miles Per Gallon: 0
Gallons/Year: 0
Current cost per year at current price: 0
Additional amount if gas goes up .50/gallon: 0
Additional amount if gas goes up .75/gallon: 0
Additional amount if gas goes up 1.00/gallon: 0

Monthly Breakdown

Miles Per Month: 0
Miles Per Gallon: 0
Gallons/Month: 0
Current cost per month at current price: 0
Additional amount if gas goes up .50/gallon: 0
Additional amount if gas goes up .75/gallon: 0
Additional amount if gas goes up 1.00/gallon: 0

Weekly Breakdown

Miles Per Week: 0
Miles Per Gallon: 0
Gallons/Week: 0
Current cost per week at current price: 0
Additional amount if gas goes up .50/gallon: 0
Additional amount if gas goes up .75/gallon: 0
Additional amount if gas goes up 1.00/gallon: 0

We're Here to Help

Feel free to call Parma Car Care Fleets Specialists for expert opinions or if you need help in improving your car’s gas mileage with our repair and maintenance works.